Do You Have the Advantage?
"Etiquette would not seem to play an important part in business, and yet no man can ever tell when its knowledge may be of advantage, or its lack may turn the scale against him." (Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home, 1922.)
Almost a century later, this advice from etiquette maven Emily Post still holds true. The well-mannered businessman, businesswoman, or hospitality professional will always have an advantage over his or her competitors.
But what are good manners in today’s society? Business is more diverse than ever, and international business relationships are becoming the norm. Is your team prepared to navigate the sometimes-tricky world of etiquette at home and around the world?
While owner Benjamin Avant (who is certified as a Corporate Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant by The Protocol School of Washington) has long incorporated etiquette standards informally into our hospitality training programs, we are pleased to now add standalone etiquette and protocol training workshops to our offerings.
Sample courses include:
Etiquette in Today's Workplace
Business Dining
Business Communications
International Business Etiquette
Cultural Awareness for Hospitality Professionals
As with all our programs, each course is fully customizable in terms of content and time.
Find out more information about the programs here, or contact us to get started today.